Global Health Services accepts all returns for any damaged items, mistake orders, and shipping problems within seven (7) days of the items delivery date. Initiate the return process by sending us an email will all information above filled out completely. We will respond within 2 work days with instructions on how to send the package back to us, free of charge, and coordinate either an exchange or a full refund.
- For all returns/refunds -
Subject Line: Return/Change Request - (Place Order Number Here)
How long after the sale can you return the product?
We are happy to accept all returns, so long as the email instructions above are completed within seven (7) days of the package delivery date.
Will we cover the return shipping fees?
We will not cover shipping fees associated with returned items.
How do we handle mistake orders?
While infrequent, everyone makes mistakes. Be sure to inform us of any mistake that may have occurred within seven (7) days and we will facilitate a solution in the form of an exchange or full refund.
Stay Safe Everyone.